October 6, 2015
Last year I wrote here about NaNoWriMo, which is National Novel Writing Month. Basically, it’s a whole bunch of word wranglers from around the world getting together and committing to put 50,000 words down in one month. 50,000 words is the average length of a novel. I couldn’t commit back then, having never even attempted to write a whole book. Now, I’ve attempted it, and I think I’d like to attempt some more. I am maybe halfway through my middle-grade novel, and although I feel a bit stuck I would like to tackle something new. Maybe flush out the ol’ pipes. I have a few ideas for this new work, and should probably get an outline going. I didn’t outline the first book, and wonder if that’s where I got into trouble. I waded into the tall grass and couldn’t see my way out. I was, with that book, for lack of a better term, a pantser. That’s what writers call those who write by the seat of their pants, sans outline. This works well for me with the blog, but I can see the benefits of being a plotter when it comes to a whole book.
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