Hats off to Zozer

Zoe and I were eating lunch together Sunday and she told me a story about one of her experiences at school.  I’m not sure why she chose this particular time to tell me, but I loved the story and so I don’t really question the machinations of her mind.

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Another Zoe question

On the way home from school last night, Zoe and I were talking about her day as we always do.  She is very excited as Monday is a pajama party day at school and they’re going to watch a movie and have hot chocolate and smarshsmallows and Junior Mints.  Then she was quiet for a minute, and then out popped some of those questions only children ever ask.

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Kindergarten Tour

A few weeks ago, we received a postcard from the school at our church, inviting us as prospective Kindergartner parents to come tour the school and meet the principal.  I promptly entered it into my calendar and RSVP’d.  I knew M would be in Rhode Island, but I figured that since he went to school there himself, it’d be no big deal if he missed it.

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Wouldn’t it be lovely if I could sit here and tap out everything I accomplished this weekend?  Feel full and fat and proud of myself?  Yeah.  That would be great.

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Checked off another item on the "I should do that some day list."On a residential street near our home and my work is a house with a small sign in the front yard. All it says is HONEY. I usually go flying right by and so it took a couple of passes (over weeks or months or maybe even a year) to realize there is a small bookstand in front of the house with jars of honey. Then it took a few more passes, at much slower speeds, to see a small cash box on top if the bookstand. This idea, this concept of selling homemade honey through the honor system, is so cool to me. I always thought, "I need to stop by there." I love honey anyway and use it nearly every day in my tea. For awhile, until my local grocer started selling local honey that's not mass-produced, I was cajoling Stef into bringing me honey from the Ann Arbor farmer's market. I guess you could say I'm a honey snob. Tip from me to you: avoid the stuff in the plastic bear-shaped bottles. Bad, bad honey. So I'm pretty keen on small-operation, locally-produced honey. Today, on the way back from lunch and on a whim, I finally stopped at the Honey House and bought a jar. Plan to have a cup of tea tonight and see how it is. Mmmmmm, honey.

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