Zoe’s observation

I bought two Charlie Brown DVDs for Zoe a couple weeks ago: It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown, and A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving.  Watching them with her brings back my own childhood memories, and makes me realize how children view things and how different today’s world is from that of my youth.

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A full weekend

The weekend was about as great as it could be, given that M is still in India.  Zozer and I are learning to rather enjoy our “girls’ weeks” even though we still miss him.  I look back over my weekend, and even I am amazed at everything I was able to cram in.  We kicked it off with dinner Friday night at Kobe to celebrate Gramma Judy’s birthday.  My reunited family was there, and I shared my cake with my niece, Stella, although truth be told it was more like she shared her cake with me, seeing as how she ate most of it.  I grin every day when I think about how my little family is back together…what a phenomenal holiday season this will be.

Saturday morning we got going early with swim lessons.  Zoe has graduated to the next level, and I’m pleased to report that she’s already showing definite improvement.  The text message M received was: “OMG she’s f*cking swimming w a noodle by herself!!!  Awesome!!!”

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Is there a college degree for that?

Zoe's teachers asked the class to talk about what they want to be when they grow up. The kids listed doctor, nurse, veterinarian, teacher, even social worker. Noble professions, indeed. Not my kid, though. She's shootin' for the stars. I do believe wholeheartedly that she should be whatever she wants to be. Even if it's a bus driver. So long as she's the best damn bus driver in the whole friggin' world. Her friend, Drew, listed his future profession as Monster Truck Driver. Awesome.

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What is it about babies that make them so fun to photograph?  I think it’s the purity of feeling.  There are no masks, no hidden agendas, no walls.  It’s pure emotion.  It’s truth, unvarnished and messy and gorgeous.

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M leaves for India today, so he went with me to drop Zozer off at school. I know how he feels…when you walk away you’ve got this nagging feeling that you’ve just left your heart behind.

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Election Day Blues

I remember being a kid and going with my mom when she voted.  It was always something special, and I couldn’t wait to grow up and be able to vote myself.  I’ve voted in every election since I was 18 and eligible.  I’m proud that I live in a country where I can make a difference, and I exercise that right.  I research candidates and issues, and I make informed choices.  I’m not Republican, I’m not Democrat.  Just a girl trying to figure out what’s best for her country.  I like to tell people I’m staunchly independent.

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