My favorite football player

When my sister e-mailed my nephew’s football schedule out a couple months ago, I entered every game into my calendar.  I’ve only been able to make it to three, ’cause I was out of town for the first few.  I love going to his games.  Zoe went to the last two with me, and M the last one.  We have so much fun, and I don’t think I could be more proud of Joey.  Last game I remembered to dig out my Mizzou alum pom poms, little black and gold ones.  He’s a South County Tiger, so the colors were appropriate and Zo got a kick out of waving them around.

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Michael Richard Amy Margaret Hootie Jefferson

For some reason last night, Zoe decided it would be hilarious to call us by our first and middle names.  She did this while talking to M on the phone, over and over again.  We were laughing so hard we couldn’t talk, which I’m sure just encouraged her.

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18 years

18 years ago today, I went out with a boy.  Not just any boy.  This boy was It.  The One.  Not that I had any inkling then.  Back then, he was Rebound Boy.  I had just dumped Loser Dude and was in desperate need to find someone who could restore my faith in men.  Someone who wouldn’t go to a party with me only to leave with another girl.  I had thought this new boy was pretty cute and very sweet, but considered him off-limits as my best friend was totally crushing on him.  You don’t crush on your best friend’s crush.  It’s an unspoken rule.  So when we met I duly noted he was hot (and had the best shoulders I had ever seen…OMG) and then promptly wrote him off.  Later, my best friend crushed on someone else.  Still later, she noticed that this boy quite possibly might be interested in me.  We talked about it, and then schemed up a test to tell if there was something there.

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Spent a large part of the day sleeping. Woke up feeling like this house looks. Sore, scratchy throat. Dog tired. Sleep is the only thing that helps, so sleep is what I did. I finally crawled out from hibernation around four, sick of being prone and, well, sick. Few loads of laundry, kitchen clean-up, mail sort. A fraction of what I wanted to accomplish today. Something about a willing mind and a body that had other ideas. This happens when I've been going too hard for too long. My body goes on strike and a forced shut-down occurs. Work tomorrow is a toss-up. We'll see what the morning brings.

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M came home late last night.  I was so tired that I instructed him to not call when he landed (that’s been a requirement since we got married and he started traveling for work) as I was going to sleep.  Just come home and climb into bed and snuggle with me.  I don’t remember him coming in at all. I got up sometime in the night to pee and stumbled back to bed, realizing only as I climbed back in that there was a blanket-covered lump on his side.  I grinned in the dark, and whispered, “You’re home!”  He didn’t budge, being conked out as I had been.

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One of the many, many things Zoe is learning about at school these days is the compliment.  She’s learning what a compliment is.  She’s mastering it, although many times she still feels the need to give the compliment and then inform the complimentee that what she just said was, indeed, a compliment.  I, in turn, am learning the power of a compliment.  Not in receiving them…in giving them.

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Attitude adjustment

Some days just start out awful.  You wake up late (7:31, to be precise, which is normally the time I’m saying good-bye to Zozer at her school) and things devolve from there.  Waking up that late means that you can no longer get your child to school in time for breakfast, which means you need to feed her, which naturally means that you will run even later.  (Thank gawd Zozer was on this morning, and proudly picked out her clothes, dressed herself, brushed her teeth and ate her breakfast with little to no assistance.)

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M decided over the weekend that it was time to switch out the Hoots.  As most of you long-time readers know, we have multiple Hoot owls.  Hoot is Zoe’s most beloved possession, most cherished friend.  He’s in virtually every photograph of her from the past four years, and we go nowhere without him.  When she draws pictures of our family, Hoot is always included.  Given the importance of Hoot, we have back-ups that we’ve rotated in and out according to degrees of wear.  There are a couple we can’t use (too new, too thin), and the original Hoot still looks so sad that we’ve kept him in semi-retirement for awhile now.  That pretty much leaves us with two in the rotation: Hoot 2 and Hoot 3.

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A typical M vs. A discussion

I am not feeling very witty today.  Well, not blogger-witty.  I’ve been plenty witty in various e-mails to friends, but I’m not feelin’ it here.  It’s not coming.  It’s just around the bend.  My talent is out there, lurking, laughing and me and saying, “Yeah, not so clever now, beyotch!”

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