Waiting for yet another flight

It's weird to be back at the airport a mere 16 hours after I left it. Greatly downscaled luggage and carryon. No business clothes. No dress shoes. No laptop. Camera. Hiking boots. Jeans. Green Keens. T-shirts. That's how I roll. Thanks to my MIL for the ride (and lunch!) today. What a great start to my trip!Colorado, here I come.

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Flight 4 of 6. Airport pizza is disgusting. Especially when you have 30 minutes to find it, buy it, eat it, throw the trash away, and wash your hands before boarding.

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Fancy French Wine

The CEO of my company (dining at a nearby table) just sent over a bottle of fancy-schmancy French Bordeaux wine. Ooh la la! C'est la vie!(To M and my FIL and MIL: it says Chateau Pape Clement…does that make it holy?!)

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