September 15, 2010

September 15, 2010
It's not Schmickles. It's Schmidicks. Or something like that. Whatever it is, it's tasty!
September 15, 2010
Someone has just ordered me a beer called Schmickles. We are at an Irish pub around the corner from our hotel. We are having way too much fun. I may or may not have karaoked tonight. Dire Straits. Money for nothing. And, you know, your chicks for free.
September 15, 2010
The appraisal of Troy
I ate the lobster. Troy. I ate him. I ate his tail. And one claw. Meh. Way too much work. And frankly not that delicious. And messy.

September 15, 2010
This is Troy.

September 14, 2010
On the way to Goat Island

September 14, 2010
On Goat Island

September 14, 2010
Another fine start to the evening
Local brew before the clam bake. Which I just learned is more of "clam bake" as the only clams there will be in the clam chowder. Not complaining tho. I loves me some authentic clam chowder.

September 14, 2010
Cliffwalk & The Breakers
September 14, 2010
Was there daylight today?
I am tired. Flat out tanked. As M says, “put a fork in me, I’m done.”