After the owls

She wanted to show her daddy the World Bird Sanctuary, and then promptly got bored after we saw all the owls.  She was walking ahead of us, trying to get us to hurry up, when I called her name.  I got this exasperated look in response and had the camera ready.  Was experimenting that day with my aperture settings, so I was able to fuzz out some of the distracting background.  That wasn’t enough, though, because several of the people were wearing insanely bright clothing.  I’m not entirely sure I like the whole thing as black and white, but I do know I like it like this, as she truly is the color in my world.

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We went for our first Family Bike Ride last weekend.  M chose Grant’s Trail to get Zozer started on what we hope will become something we do regularly.  Given my penchant for visiting the Custard Station regularly, exercise like this is almost required.

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M’s capture

Have to give props to M for this one.  We were lined up three abreast on the carousel at the Zoo on her birthday when he asked for the camera to get some shots of the two of us.  After the obligatory cheese shots, he just kept shooting.  Which annoyed me a little (it’s my camera, dammit…I don’t drive his Corvette while he hangs out in the passenger seat), until he showed me that he got this.  Fantastic.

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I saw the light, and the eyes, and the skin, and how could I not run for my camera? I love the light right at dusk. Photographers call it “magic light.” Pretty appropriate description.

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