Kitchen purge

I opened up a can of whup-ass on my kitchen last night. Tired of ducking and throwing my hands up self-defense when opening the cabinet above the toaster oven, I finally just dug it all out. It seems that cabinet has become the candy-stash zone for our home. We don’t eat much candy, so it just piles up in there and, I think, multiplies. I threw it all away. Well, except for some good chocolate. And the Mo’s bacon bar. And the M&Ms. But everything else went.

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Who says romance is dead?

M left this morning for RI, and he was gone well before we were up. I vaguely remember him waking me up for a goodbye kiss. My alarm went off much later, and I got up and started getting ready for work. Zozer came in after awhile, and did her whole potty – hand washing – teeth brushing – getting dressed routine that has become a real blessing (although with mixed emotions…this independence thing is trying for a mother – as evidenced by her being finally tall enough to ride the carousel alone at the Zoo yesterday while I stood by the side and wept at her spinning round on the giant animaled wheel of doom).
When we got ready to leave, I instructed Zozer to head out to the family room to get her shoes on. “Mommy! Come look at this!”
This usually means, “One of the cats barfed. Again.” or “There’s a dead bug out here.” or something else that she finds disgusting. I sighed and headed out, prepared to grab a few paper towels and the disinfectant that I should just wear in a holster like those cowboys in the old Westerns.
Instead, I found this:

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Five Dinner

By her request, Amigo's Cantina for dinner. Where she's ordered the most Mexican of meals: el chickano stripps with la mexi-fries. We tried offering a quesadilla or taco, but she was having none of that. Eh, it's her birthday!

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Five Breakfast

We gave her the choice of breakfast locations. She picked Dunkin' Donuts, where she ordered two large donuts, hashbrowns, and chocolate milk. Then she ate some of our Munchkins and Daddy finished off her donuts while Mommy finished the hashbrowns.

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