August 31, 2010
M left this morning for RI, and he was gone well before we were up. I vaguely remember him waking me up for a goodbye kiss. My alarm went off much later, and I got up and started getting ready for work. Zozer came in after awhile, and did her whole potty – hand washing – teeth brushing – getting dressed routine that has become a real blessing (although with mixed emotions…this independence thing is trying for a mother – as evidenced by her being finally tall enough to ride the carousel alone at the Zoo yesterday while I stood by the side and wept at her spinning round on the giant animaled wheel of doom).
When we got ready to leave, I instructed Zozer to head out to the family room to get her shoes on. “Mommy! Come look at this!”
This usually means, “One of the cats barfed. Again.” or “There’s a dead bug out here.” or something else that she finds disgusting. I sighed and headed out, prepared to grab a few paper towels and the disinfectant that I should just wear in a holster like those cowboys in the old Westerns.
Instead, I found this:

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