Does AT&T’s coverage extend to hell?

At mass Saturday night, we had the treat of listening to another homily by the new associate pastor of our parish. I heard the guy for the first time a few weeks ago and was not impressed. I don’t agree with his views on a lot of things. Well, I don’t agree with the Church’s views on a lot of things but for the most part I can skate by with a live-and-let-live attitude while gravitating toward the more progressive priests and nuns. Yes, there are a few. There aren’t many, but they give me hope for the Church.

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After swimming lessons this morning (and by swimming lessons I mean Zoe hugs the wall of the pool and waits for Mr. Jeff to come over and carry her around the water a bit, sometimes with a noodle, sometimes with a kickboard, but always with firm support and guidance and, I’m sure, encouraging words like, “Good job, kiddo! You’re doing great!” while thinking to himself, “Stop whining you little brat…they don’t pay me enough to do this…and dear God can someone shut up that howling tyrant four feet from me?”) we ran some errands and then returned to the pool for a swim-play date with her old friends from the Bunny Room.

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