Zoe’s many faces

As a mother and a photographer, I am always looking to get that one shot, capture that one moment that shows the spirit of my daughter.  I take shot after shot after shot, and spend hours editing and culling down, trying to find the best one.

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Silly Hair Day

This is Zoe’s last week in the Bunny Room at school, which I think is more upsetting to me than it is to her (I adore her teachers in the Bunny Room).  To celebrate their transition, her wacky teachers Ms. Shari and Ms. Carrie planned all kinds of fun and goofy stuff this week.  Today was Silly Hair Day.

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Lost Rant

I am so happy that Lost is over.  Because now I don’t have to hear about it anymore, or see numerous headlines on the “news” pages about it, or watch 500 people make it part of their Facebook status updates every week.  The end of a TV show is not news to me.  It really shouldn’t be news to anyone.

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Britain’s Got No Design Talent

I love Olympic mascots.  Almost as much as I love the Olympics (and a certain short-track speed skater).  My interest in the mascots started when I was interning at a huge PR firm and worked on some post-Atlanta Olympic events for one of the Anheuser-Busch theme parks.  As an intern, I was sent on a business trip to work the event and, as a perk, I got to party with actual Olympians.  Let me just say that you should never go head-to-head on drinking alcohol with swimmers and divers.

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PhotoWalk Tuesday, revisited

I love having a little companion on my photowalks.  She inspires me to look at things from a different (shorter) perspective.  She keeps me hopping.  She reminds me just how annoying it is to chimp after every. single. shot.  “Look, Mommy!  Good shot…good shot.”  While I don’t want to stifle her enthusiasm, I also don’t want her to be so busy looking at the LCD screen that she misses another “good shot.”  I’m trying to teach her that it’s okay to look every once in awhile to make sure she captured what she wanted, but it’s better to show your images all at once.  Later.  After editing.  (Ya’all have heard me expound before on the importance of editing, so I don’t need to get into that again.) (Except to say that more people should edit.  Heavily.  Before showing their images to everyone.  Or anyone.  Or at least me.)  I realize I’m guilty of the over-chimping thing, which is probably why I’m so sensitive to it with her.  I’m in essence trying to train both of us.

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PhotoWalk Tuesday

Zozer and I took advantage of the gorgeous weather after school/work and went on a little photowalk around our neighborhood.  I dare say her shots are better than mine.

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My new standing in the family

M flew off this morning for his monthly visit to his team in Rhode Island.  Last night, as he returned from taking the trash out to the curb (and therefore had to pass the newest horse in the stable), I noticed he was pouting.  “Are you sad to be leaving her?” I asked.  He nodded woefully.  I handed the key fob to him and he went and sat in the Corvette for a few minutes before coming in.

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