Oh yes we did

M and I took off Sunday for a little jaunt, a little get-away.  To those who asked, we said, “Oh, we’re going hiking.”  What we didn’t tell them was that we were going hiking in Bowling Green, Kentucky.  In the Corvette Assembly Plant.  Which is next to the National Corvette Museum.  Where our new, custom-built, 2010 Jetstream Blue Metallic Grand Sport Corvette waited for us.

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All I can think about today is food.  (steak)  I am not sure why I’m so freakin’ hungry, but I am.  (spaghetti)  Or at least I think I’m hungry.  (sushi)  I could seriously go raid the work fridge right now and just chow down. (smashed potatoes)  Except that a.) none of the food in there is mine and b.) most of it no longer resembles food.  (chili)  Although at this point, the lack of edibility isn’t really a strong deterrent.  (nachos)

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A gift

Sometimes, when you’re having a bad day and you learn something shitty (that, it turns out, you probably really knew all along but just hadn’t admitted it to yourself…again), all it takes is this to make everything better.  It’s not just a little yellow flower.  It’s the love that goes with it.  It’s the joy of being “mommy” to someone.  It’s the awesomeness that comes with being someone’s world.  It’s the humbling responsibility of knowing you hold her hopes and dreams and love and life in your hands and your heart.

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Photo Booth

I love photo booths.  Love love love them.  There are several issues with this: a.) they are few and far in between these days and b.) they’re usually ungodly expensive.

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Hey, look, it’s Nashua!

Okay, I got my states mixed up. Hell, they’re all so small and crammed together up here that it’s no wonder.  Today I hit clinics in Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire.  For a Midwest girl, that’s a wonder confined only to road trips with sparing potty breaks.  I think we’re going to Connecticut tomorrow, but don’t hold me to it.

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