April 29, 2010
Yesterday = looooooong day
Many apologies for not posting last night. Being up since 3:30 a.m. and not getting to the hotel until 8:20 p.m. made for a very tired girl. I landed around lunchtime here, so we grabbed a quick bite at Panera (love you, Stef!) and then started hitting clinics. Visited about four before heading to dinner with a prominent local vet who has his own radio show and would like to start featuring us about once a month. The dinner was wonderful (we ate here)…being on the east coast I had to get seafood. Rare, rare yellow fin tuna (is it still flippin’? good.) with a wasasbi mayo sauce on the side. Yummy. My fillet was absolutely huge. I’m still trying to wrap my head around how big the whole fish would have been. Conversation was great…it was a good way to spend two and a half hours, but man, I was freakin’ exhausted by the end of it.