October 11, 2009
It turns out that if you cry and vacuum at the same time, two things happen:
October 11, 2009
It turns out that if you cry and vacuum at the same time, two things happen:
October 8, 2009
When can I go? I’m ready to go. I’m ready for this.
October 7, 2009
I eat when I am stressed.
I eat everything. And a lot of it.
I snack and nosh and a little of this and a lot of that.
And then my pants get tight.
Which means, okay, I’ve put on a little weight.
“I’ll get to it after graduation,” I tell myself.
“I have too much going on to worry about that now.”
But then there’s the realization that I can’t even take comfort in buying some new Fat Pants.
Because I don’t have time to go shopping for new Fat Pants.
So now I have Fat Pants stress.
And I eat when I am stressed.
October 6, 2009
Nope, I’m not giving up. I can not, should not, and will not give up. Turns out I got some fight left in me after all. So life has some bumps…isn’t that what makes us appreciate the good times more than ever? Why on earth should I give up something I love (blogging) just because I’m busy? No sense in moping about it…just do it already. Shut up, and do it.
October 5, 2009
After a couple weeks of feeling guilty about not blogging regularly, I’ve decided that I simply cannot handle anything “for fun” in my life right now. Besides, there’s really not much silliness or fun or humor these days, except for when Zozer says things like “hippopotamatus,” and that’s not really enough to carry a blog.
September 29, 2009
I think the Gods of Academia are frowning upon the Z house, and, at this point, are just toying with its adult occupants.
September 24, 2009
40 hour work week + 20 hour school week + 10 hour image editing week + Mommy time = no time for blogging. Plus last night I went to a kickass lighting seminar hosted by Schiller’s. Fanfreakintastic. They brought in this guy, Will Crockett, who is absolutely amazing with light. And gear. I’ve never seen someone who can so easily churn out a digital image that requires absolutely NO editing in Photoshop. I mean, I don’t do much editing – the basics like curves and levels and sharpness – but this guy does none. I know he’s working primarily in a studio setting and it’s easier to get things right that way (you have much more control over your variables), but still. He threw together gorgeous portraits in minutes and made it look so easy. I’m sure the thousands of dollars of gear he had at his disposal helped, but still, you gotta know how to use all that stuff.
September 21, 2009
I find myself in the odd state of having a backlog of images to edit and being too tired to do them, thanks to trying to work ahead in school so as to have free time to, you know, edit images. That’s what happens when one writes two papers and a discussion board post (which might as well be called a third paper) in one night. Must’ve had too much caffeine yesterday or sumthin’.
September 16, 2009
Zozer and I cracked open her new giant tub of sidewalk chalk this afternoon (thank you, GG!). She exclaimed, “Look! It’s like a rainbow!” I exclaimed, “Wait! Let me get the camera!” We drew all over our patio…smiley faces, ZOEs, stars, moons, a spider web (and accompanying spider, of course), and yes, a rainbow. Zoe asked me to “draw a hopscotch!” and I’ll be darned if the little bugger didn’t know how to use it.
September 15, 2009
These are my friends, Tiffany and Doug, and their adorable son, Gavin.