Impulse Owls

I am not a shopper. I’ve never been a shopper. Well, except for when I was pregnant with Zoe and apparently had enough estrogen for two of us. I was a pseudo-shopper, and it was temporary, and it quickly left after giving birth. I went back to my regular self who eschews girly-girl and champions photographic gear and comfortable shoes. Shopping for clothes is so not my thing. It’s hell on earth for me, so I do it only when I have to (read: when my clothes are literally falling apart – I once went two years with pants whose hem was held in place by duct tape…hey, no one knew and it was only mildly annoying on cold days when the tape gave my leg a chill). I don’t like buying things for the house as I don’t like clutter. I prefer my glass to be in a lens and not in a ring. I have learned that material things do not make one happy.

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Zoe enjoyed her first trip to Chuck-A-Burger. She announced in the car on the way there, “I like Chuck-A-Burger,” which made us laugh considering she had never been. She got a bowl of chili, but pretty much held out for the chocolate milkshake at the end.

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M had the fanstastic idea of visiting the old Chuck-A-Burger on St. Charles Rock Road for lunch today. I had a Chili Chuck, and he had a BBQ Chuck, and I like ordering everything with “Chuck” attached to the end. I applied a warming filter to these after desaturating, ’cause I like the effect. I guess you could say I used a Warming Chuck.

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Headband stealer

I love that a little person in my house keeps stealing the headbands I stash in the bathroom to hold my hair back when I wash my face.

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Fall begins

Other than the unseasonably cool weather, I got my first sign of fall today. I guess you could say this is my first visual queue to the change of the seasons.

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Dew drops and spider webs

Many times when I pull into work in the morning, I see dew-covered spiderwebs in the landscaped foliage in one of the parking lot berms. It’s always so beautiful, these little gleaming gems sparkling in the morning sun. I have shot these damn things every which way from Sunday, trying to capture what I see. Turns out that dew drops on spiderwebs are tricky little bastards. This is about the closest I’ve come, and I’m still not happy with it.

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Blue lolly for the blue-eyed girl

The child has been earning rewards of M&Ms, jelly beans, or lollipops when successfully using the potty. I purchased a 370-count bag of DumDums from Sam’s last night, so you can imagine how it’s going. This afternoon, while hanging out in the library and watching her go to town on her lolly, I noticed the pale skin, dark hair, and blue eyes/blue lolly. “Hold on, Zo, Mommy needs to get her camera!”

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Found 2

This little scene was 20 feet from Mr. Orange down there. I never think of painting my window frames bright, cheery colors. But I should, because I like it.

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I had a business meeting at a new hotel in the loop. Debated lugging the camera down there. Glad I did. Got two decent shots…this is the first. I just like how his orange shirt pops out of all the neutral colors.

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