Welcome, Jane!

Got to meet our newest cousin tonight. Welcome to the world, Jane Isabella. We’re sure excited to finally see you. Congratulations to your mom and dad, and all your grandparents and new aunts and uncles. You are surrounded by an extraordinary amount of love, and we can’t wait to watch you grow. Love to you, and to your parents.

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I’m working on a new promotion for work that revolves around the idea of gratitude, so I’m searching for appropriate quotes about gratitude on the Internet today.

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Our lives in medical terms

Now that the term is over (law final finished Wednesday night – wahoo!), I get to move on to more fun, exciting things. Like wrapping up the paperwork for our new life insurance policy.

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Sunday snaps

Shot quite a bit Sunday, mostly of Zozer playing in the backyard. Not much good came of it…some days you just strike out. I got the above, which is the only decent one of the lot. And below, which I just think is cute because it shows her adorable little hands. I love Zozer’s fingers and toes. Or fingers and piggies, as I’m sure she would correct me.

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Yet another Photowalk shot (blame the Mac)

Here’s another image from the Photowalk. I’d love to put up a new Zozer shot from today, but my (old, decrepit) computer is deciding to take its sweet time emptying my card. I’ve started dropping hints to M about needing a new machine, as mine is now 7 or 8 years old and is tending to run like it’s full of molasses more often than not. One gets tired of inserting one’s card into the card reader, directing the computer where to put the files, and then making, eating, cleaning up dinner only to find the computer is a third of the way through the transfer. Of 100 images. Yes, I realize they are giganto mombo files from my kick-ass D300, but this is getting ridiculous.

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Last Sunday night

This one might have to be printed and framed for my desk at work. Zoe and the two main guys in her life: Daddy and Hoot. They are not necessarily listed in the order of her preference, depending on her mood. Hoot never makes her say “please” or stand in the corner, after all, and he’s always willing to share all of his dessert with her.

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