Photographic poetry

While browsing through my favorite photography website and its discussion boards, I happened upon a post by someone asking, “How did you get involved with photography?” Lots of responses…many people talked about their loved ones getting them involved, or having cameras from a very young age, or stumbling on it later in life. It was interesting to read, but my very favorite post came from a man named Luis, who talked about his father allowing him to use one of his old Leicas for the first time. I wanted to share what he wrote not just to share it, but to “capture” it myself so I can revisit it later without having to do crazy searches on the photography site. And maybe try to explain why I love photography so much.

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Worldwide Photowalk – In Color

When I was in Schiller’s a couple weeks ago picking up a print, I saw a flyer tacked to the wall. It was for something called the Worldwide Photowalk. I googled it later to see what it was about. Turns out it’s a chance for anyone who likes to make photographs to all get together on the same day, at different locations around the world, and just shoot for a couple hours. Team leaders had registered for many cities and all you had to do was sign up (50 photographers to a group – it’s not like we want to look like we’re taking over the city). The team leaders chose a time and a meeting place, and photographers show up and go off to shoot. You can work alone or with friends or with strangers (aka new friends). How cool would it be to dedicate a couple hours to making photographs knowing that all over the world, other photographers are doing the same thing? Turns out that I wasn’t the only one who thought it was cool, as over 30,000 of us registered globally.

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In Pace Requiescat, Bill Jay

Tonight, after returning home from work and changing clothes, Zozer and I headed outside to enjoy the fine weather. She pedaled her trike out of the garage while I moseyed down the driveway to the mailbox. M’s at the All-Star game, and I was looking forward to a Girls’ Night and then some relaxation.

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