Point Lobos and more ruminations

I know I’m putting stuff up here in drips and drabs, but that’s pretty much how I’m getting to it! Our first week of class is over, and we can tell already that we’re in for even more work than we’ve been used to. For the first time since we started our program a year and a half ago, we’ve not been able to take even one day off from studying. Both classes, while good, require so much time and effort that we actually stayed up until almost 2 a.m. last night just to get stuff done for the week, and that’s with working for hours every other night. Today we read a chapter in Managerial Econ and four chapters in Business Law (I now understand torts, thankyouverymuch), and then decided that we needed to do something fun. M’s been working on Christmas (of course!) and I’ve been working on my images.

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Detail from Weston Beach

It’s definitely not your “white sand where you bask in the sun and drink Coronas” sort of beach, but I like it better. Much more interesting this way. Beautiful diversity and a variety of things to look at. I froze my butt off, considering I was on a beach, but I didn’t mind a bit. Maybe part of the attraction was that I was there early in the morning, by myself. Well not altogether alone; I had some scraggly crows and a few raucus sea gulls to keep me company, along with the music of pounding surf and shutter clicks. Heaven. Would do it again in a heartbeat.

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