I heart econ

A revelation this morning. I love economics. I realize this makes me sound like a big, giant uber-nerd, but I don’t care. It’s fascinating and I love it.

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Out of the mouth of Zoe

This morning, upon learning that her afternoon snack today is trail mix and milk, she looked at me very seriously with a furrowed brow. “Mommy, my trail mix at school has two different kinds of smarshsmallows.” She held up her thumb, “Big ones,” and then stuck out her index finger, “and little ones.”

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I’m small format and I like it

A local photographer gave a presentation at a gallery this evening. I’ve followed his work for quite some time, and received an e-mail invitation to the event. I wanted to go for a few reasons, including seeing his work again and meeting the photographer himself. Mostly, though, his invitation to “look at the ground glass of my large format camera and see what it’s like” was the kicker.

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See what I did there? Just made up a new word. Repurpleated. The definition of this word is: having your stylist dump more purple in your hair because it faded out to a chalky, funky lilac that was absolutely hideous.

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Mid-term madness

Last week was mid-terms, more commonly known as, “You thought your life was full before?” Our econ prof, bless his little heart, did not give us an exam. Ops, on the other hand…

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Gimme what?

On the way to work yesterday, while chatting with M via cell phone, I came up behind a big construction truck towing a little trailer with a compressor. My guess is the brand is supposed to be GrimmerSchmidt Compressors, but some enterprising person removed some letters and made it far more funny.

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I used to like pink…

Got a call from Ms. Diane, the nurse at Zozer’s school, right before lunch today. “Her bottom eye lids are red and the inside corners are oozing green stuff. We think it might be pink eye. We’re going to monitor it, but we wanted to let you know because someone may have to come get her.”

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The Official Easter Bunny Photo

Friday night, Zoe said she didn’t want to visit the Easter Bunny. Saturday morning she said she didn’t want to visit the Easter Bunny. Saturday afternoon she said she might like to go see the Easter Bunny, but she was not sitting on the Easter Bunny’s lap. Once we got there and she was able to watch other children sitting on the Easter Bunny’s lap, she said that she’d go ahead and sit on his lap, too. Then she asked, “Do you think he’ll give me a candy cane like Santa did?”

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