PhotoWalk I

Zozer and I got home today with some extra time and fine weather, so we decided to go for a walk. On our way out the door, she said, “I’m going to take my camera!” and grabbed it off the counter. “Uhhh, actually, that’s a very good idea!” I retrieved my camera as well, and we set out.

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You, too, should buy U2

Even though it’s April Fools Day, I’ve decided to not try to trick anyone this year since I scared the hell out of too many people last year. I’ll just say, in my best Mr. T voice (which isn’t very good, actually), “Happy Fools Day, Fool!” Where is Mr. T these days, anyway?

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Happiness is not needing a bear locker

I’ve been working on our vacation plans since sometime last October. That’s when, fed up with work, school, and damn near everything else, I announced to M, “I’m going on vacation in the spring. I don’t care if you go with me, but I’m going.” After kicking around a few options, we settled on taking the train out to Cali and visiting Yosemite. Well, he wouldn’t commit to any of the options, really, so I chose that. Then I extended it a bit and added a few days around Carmel, including the one night at Bodie House. Yay me. (That’s what he gets for letting the photographer plan the entire trip.)

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What if this is it?

For the last week, in bits and pieces, when I have a few minutes here and there, I’ve been putting all my work up on my favorite photography site, of which I’m now a member. Members are allowed to basically have unlimited images posted to their account, so instead of having three measly images I now have a “gallery.” And within my gallery I’ve even got folders that catalog my work and allow visitors to view it as a slideshow and such.

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Illicit Collusion

I’m pleased to report that, so far anyway, the term is going swimmingly. Tons of work, but not so much that we can’t keep up easily. In fact, it looks like we’re getting ourselves a bit ahead, which is good because M’s out of town next week for a business trip and won’t have as much time to devote to studying.

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