Across the street

Found this across the street from our tax lady’s house when we went to sign our papers last week. Since I don’t have time to go out on dedicated shoots right now, I try to carry the camera when we’re running our errands. Sometimes it pays off. Most of the time it’s just extra crap to lug around. The sometimes make the most times worthwhile.

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Morning light, rock wall and flowers

For about a week now, I’ve been gawking at this rock wall every morning when I’m taking Zozer to school, and again every afternoon when I’m picking her up. I’ve studied it, looking for the best light. Definitely morning, as it faces east and is too shadowed in the afternoon. Finally, Wednesday morning, I remembered to take the camera with me. After Zoe was signed in at school and happily playing with her friend Carlita, I drove to a side street near the wall, parked, and walked back to make some images.

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Moron #1 (there are two morons in our econ class this term…for this post, I shall be referring to the first one, Mr. No Punctuation and Overuser of Ellipses) posted this on our discussion boards this evening:

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PhotoWalk I

Zozer and I got home today with some extra time and fine weather, so we decided to go for a walk. On our way out the door, she said, “I’m going to take my camera!” and grabbed it off the counter. “Uhhh, actually, that’s a very good idea!” I retrieved my camera as well, and we set out.

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You, too, should buy U2

Even though it’s April Fools Day, I’ve decided to not try to trick anyone this year since I scared the hell out of too many people last year. I’ll just say, in my best Mr. T voice (which isn’t very good, actually), “Happy Fools Day, Fool!” Where is Mr. T these days, anyway?

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Happiness is not needing a bear locker

I’ve been working on our vacation plans since sometime last October. That’s when, fed up with work, school, and damn near everything else, I announced to M, “I’m going on vacation in the spring. I don’t care if you go with me, but I’m going.” After kicking around a few options, we settled on taking the train out to Cali and visiting Yosemite. Well, he wouldn’t commit to any of the options, really, so I chose that. Then I extended it a bit and added a few days around Carmel, including the one night at Bodie House. Yay me. (That’s what he gets for letting the photographer plan the entire trip.)

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