No cheating!

Another instructor felt the need to point out to use the academic integrity rules of our university…although this time he was pretty cool about it. He waited until the first week’s posts and included his observations that our contributions are completely different both in nature and in context.

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Okay, one more

I was going to be selfish and keep this one to myself, but I love it so much I had to share it. It’s my favorite image from the weekend.

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Happiness is…Zoe

Last weekend was a good weekend for photography. We went to the art museum and saw a small exhibit on street photography (and by small I mean like 10 images, but worth visiting nonetheless). We went to the cemetary and visited my friend and photography inspiration Kevin (gone 17 years now). And we went to the park where I got to actually use my camera and make some great images of my beautiful daughter.

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New Crayons

It’s the first day of school! M and I start our new term today, and even though I’m still tired from the last one and want grad school to be over already dammit, I get a little thrill on the first day of class. Everything is clean and fresh and I haven’t gotten pissed at the instructor or moronic classmates yet. (I’m ready to throw the Org Behavior prof from last term under the bus at this point…we’re a week out from the close of last term and he still hasn’t graded any of the work from the second half of the term, which of course means we don’t have our course grade yet either.)

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Proud to be a “poor” Gen Xer

Read an article yesterday about Generation X (my generation) taking a double whammy by being hit hard first during the dot com bubble burst and now the recession. Gen X is seeing the highest rate of unemployment right now when compared to the Boomers, Gen Y and the Millennials, and it’s hitting us worse than the others because we’re too old to move back in with mom and dad but not anywhere close to retirement. The article went on, however, to talk about the resiliency of Gen X, and the author interviewed some economists and social commentary pundits, one of whom said this:

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Spring I 2009 Term: By the Numbers

Just because I’m curious and like odd factoids (and because I want hard-core proof of the massive amount of work M and I just completed this term), I went through and added up the words I wrote for the two classes just finished: Marketing and Organizational Behavior.

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“I could SO live in an IHOP.”

The International House of Pancakes, or IHOP (or “Pancake House” as Zozer calls it) near us is closed, which is highly upsetting to the three of us who love love love us some Pancake House. Last week they finally turned the signage around, which does nothing, really, because what other building looks like a traditional IHOP? Seeing “POHI” doesn’t make me think it’s not an IHOP any more. It’s still a squat building with a giant bright blue roof.

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“We don’t see adults get this…”

When the sore throat started Sunday, I thought, “Uh oh, this isn’t good.” But, you know, it’s a stupid sore throat and easy enough to power through. No time to be sick. Sunday night wasn’t pleasant and Monday morning was awful. I was slated to work at our Chesterfield location that day, though, and the staff was depending on me so off I went.

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