Spring I 2009 Term: By the Numbers

Just because I’m curious and like odd factoids (and because I want hard-core proof of the massive amount of work M and I just completed this term), I went through and added up the words I wrote for the two classes just finished: Marketing and Organizational Behavior.

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“I could SO live in an IHOP.”

The International House of Pancakes, or IHOP (or “Pancake House” as Zozer calls it) near us is closed, which is highly upsetting to the three of us who love love love us some Pancake House. Last week they finally turned the signage around, which does nothing, really, because what other building looks like a traditional IHOP? Seeing “POHI” doesn’t make me think it’s not an IHOP any more. It’s still a squat building with a giant bright blue roof.

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“We don’t see adults get this…”

When the sore throat started Sunday, I thought, “Uh oh, this isn’t good.” But, you know, it’s a stupid sore throat and easy enough to power through. No time to be sick. Sunday night wasn’t pleasant and Monday morning was awful. I was slated to work at our Chesterfield location that day, though, and the staff was depending on me so off I went.

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Typos? Or Freudian slips?

I like to use this space to document things that happen to me…little funny everyday things and big giant impactful things…it’s a way for me to get it down so I can look at it later and laugh or sigh or remember or think, “You moron, why the hell did you write that?”

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Cool, baby, cool

She’s a cool hipster, a hepcat, a with-it It Girl rockin’ the Hollywood shades while scattin’ in the FP mic (that would be Fisher Price, for you peeps not down with it). Three guesses as to what she’s singing here:

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New Zozer Art

My daughter is being far more creatively productive than I these days, so I’ll share the fruits of her labors (unless you really want to read my case study on Wal-Mart’s vast distribution network…no?…didn’t think so).

She used race cars to make this art. The top (blue) piece are imprints from the wheels, and the bottom piece was created by driving the tires through paint, then on the paper.

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The essay exam from hell

Okay, so I haven’t really been a good blogger lately. I’ve been too busy tapping on the keyboard for school instead. I’d like to get to the end of this term and do a word count on what I’ve written, but it would take too long, I don’t have the time, and I think it would be too depressing. Suffice it to say that the spacebar on my laptop has a spot that’s worn shiny, and part of my “N” key is gone so that it now looks like an upside-down V.

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