Roller coaster

Monday night: not good. Not good at all. My brain went into overload mode and pretty much just entirely shut down. I essentially wasted 30 minutes of the night staring at my laptop screen and crying, which makes it hard to study for mid-terms or write case analyses or post to the discussion boards, whathaveyou. I had a case of the Mean Reds, as Audrey Hepburn’s Holly Golightly said in Breakfast at Tiffany’s.

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That was our weekend. Mine and Zozer’s anyway. Every thirty minutes, we’d sit on the potty for two minutes. Sometimes longer if she wanted to read one of her potty books. While she’s now quite experienced at sitting on the potty, she has yet to actually use the potty. We both now know “A Potty For Me” and “The Potty Book For Girls” pretty much by heart, though.

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Zoe’s First Photos

Over the weekend, Zoe figured out that the little pink camera Santa brought is hers, and that she can take pictures of whatever she wants, whenever she wants.

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Day of Change

Whether or not you voted for him, you must admit that much of the nation’s (nay, the world’s) hopes and dreams rest on his shoulders.

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In flight

Okay, maybe I lied. Maybe I did get a decent image of an eagle in flight. From browsing my initial thumbnails, I thought, “Well, shit, those are just too damn far away.” Then, just for the hell of it, after I posted I pulled one up and zoomed in. Then I zoomed some more. And some more. And then I fell in love with the 12 MP camera all over again. It’s not the best image in the world, but I’m amazed at how much it stays together even with an obscene amount of cropping.

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Took The Bug up to Chain of Rocks Bridge this morning for Eagle Days. We met an 11-year-old bald eagle name McGuire, saw two young eagles in flight, walked the bridge, and Zozer got to stand in an actual eagle’s nest, but the highlight of her entire day was getting to ride the yellow school bus that shuttled us from the Missouri Visitor’s Center to the bridge and back.

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