Today is my Granny’s 85th birthday. She wouldn’t like me to use expletives to describe her (actually, she doesn’t like it when I curse at all), but she’s a damn fine woman. Here’s to 85, Gran…I hope you have a wonderful day!

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I was really impressed by this photograph of Zoe writing her name, until I opened the file in Photoshop and enlarged, and realized that she’s writing it on Ethan T.’s paper. (See name printed at top of her sheet.) Let’s chalk it up to artistic license, shall we?

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Crunch Time

Sorry for the lack of posts lately. We’re getting down to the end of the year crunch time. Our class final is due this week, plus we’re wrapping up Christmas shopping, Zozer has been sick (nothing major…just a stomach bug) and things sorta piled up from getting ready for the Grand Lighting.

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