Not out of my gourd(s) yet

Shot some gourds today. Way back before Halloween, when we took Zozer to the pumpkin patch, I purchased four interesting gourds to photograph. They’ve pulled double duty by serving as fall decorations on our buffet in the dining room, and finally today they migrated to the darkroom.

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All together now, “Awwwww!”

So as I was not drifting to sleep last night (I seem to be battling insomnia again these days), I was thinking about the blog and what I’ve posted lately, and I’ve decided I’ve become one of the most boring bloggers on the planet, due mainly to our having started grad school.

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I’m spiraring down into mid-term hell

We had a conference call tonight with our professor, where we were put at ease over several homework problems and the pending mid-term. I must say that I’m damn tired of shelling out hundreds of dollars for graduate level text books and finding errors in them. “Oh, they forgot to update the answer key when they updated the edition. So sorry. Hey, look at that! Turns out you did it right after all. Wish you had some hair left. Tough luck, eh?” Um, yeah. How the hell am I supposed to learn when it appears that the authors are pulling numbers out of thin air for the answers?

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Feed me

I am so hungry. Starving, really. This despite having a nice bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios, a few cups of coffee, and a “breakfast cookie” made by my aunt.

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The weekend was a whirlwind of activity, namely, the wedding of my cousin Michelle. Zozer was the flower girl, and did a phenomenal job of refusing to walk down the aisle (to the point of planting her behind firmly on the floor) and was therefore carried by her father. Who looked quite handsome as usual in his black suit. The big joke was that his name wasn’t in the program.

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I heart Daniel Craig

M and I, we’re not what you’d call Movie People. We don’t typically see the need to blow a bunch of money to watch a movie when we can rent one for a buck and pause for potty breaks and the like. Plus, my couch is way more comfortable than a movie theater seat.

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