Student of the Month

Congratulations to my nephew Joey on achieving Student of the Month! You’re a pretty special kid, and it’s way cool that your school knows it! Way to go, Jojobean!

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I’m a cookster!

When two people wed, they each bring a wide variety of personal belongings to the marriage. If they get married young, as M and I did (and “young” is relative, I realize, but I considered us young at 24 and 23, respectively), there’s much less to consider than people who get married later, when they’ve built a career, their own homes, etc.

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Creatures, caves and cleanin’

M and I decided that although we hadn’t really sat down all weekend, it was worth it. Friday night was trick or treating around the Lou, stopping at Grammy’s before heading home with a still-sniffly Doodlebug to visit the other g’parents. That’s what she was this Halloween: a Doodlebug. Grammy made her a great costume, and I hope to get some images up here before too much time passes. It seems to fly by, doesn’t it?!

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If I’m teaching myself, what am I paying you for?

For those of you who check regularly, don’t expect any Zozer pix at school today. She’s at Grandma’s again. We’re hoping we can kick this cold before Halloween, so we thought we’d play it safe and keep her away from all the other little snotballs for another day. She’s doing better – was able to breathe (somewhat) through her nose this morning, but now she sounds raspy and she’s coughing a bit more.

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Milestone: Zozer has caught her first cold at school. She’s basically a little snotball with watery eyes…but I think she’s already on the mend. We elevated one end of her crib last night, and I held her in The Big Purple Rocking Chair until she fell asleep. Lots of fluids, the humidifier, and two attacks of the Big Green Monster (otherwise known as the aspirator). You’d think we were twisting her nose off by the way she yells when she sees that thing coming.

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These MBA classes are really helping!

A fine weekend was had by our little family, complete with barbecue two days in a row (to M’s delight), pizza two days in a row (to my delight), being chased by scary mass murderers and zombies (some wielding chain saws, to Michelle’s dismay), a train ride, a birthday party, and a visit to the pumpkin patch. Damn, come to think of it, we packed a lot of fun into one weekend!

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