This isn’t in my job description

Generally, working in a day spa is pretty relaxing. There are lovely colors on the walls, a water fountain or two, soothing music, wonderful smells. Coming from the Red Cross, too, I now know what constitutes a true disaster, and what, in the grand scheme of things, is pretty inconsequential. Let’s just say that most things that happen in the spa aren’t on the disaster end of the spectrum.

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You know, it’s really hard to write a snappy blog post when all you’ve done is clean and run errands all weekend.

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Student of the Month

Congratulations to my nephew Joey on achieving Student of the Month! You’re a pretty special kid, and it’s way cool that your school knows it! Way to go, Jojobean!

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I’m a cookster!

When two people wed, they each bring a wide variety of personal belongings to the marriage. If they get married young, as M and I did (and “young” is relative, I realize, but I considered us young at 24 and 23, respectively), there’s much less to consider than people who get married later, when they’ve built a career, their own homes, etc.

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Creatures, caves and cleanin’

M and I decided that although we hadn’t really sat down all weekend, it was worth it. Friday night was trick or treating around the Lou, stopping at Grammy’s before heading home with a still-sniffly Doodlebug to visit the other g’parents. That’s what she was this Halloween: a Doodlebug. Grammy made her a great costume, and I hope to get some images up here before too much time passes. It seems to fly by, doesn’t it?!

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