October 10, 2008
Paper Tiger
Last night, being slightly ahead in class and apparently ready for some self-flagellation, I dove into our personal finances, which have been piling up for a couple months. We always pay our bills on time, that’s not what I’m saying. Everything even got paid right after my wrist surgery, although it looked like a drunk wrote out the checks. It’s just that all the paid bills piled up instead of being filed all nice and neat-like in my Anal-Retentive Bill Binder (ARBB). (I should patent the ARBB…it’s that effective. You know, when you actually use it.) In an attempt to stave off the chaos about a month ago I created a folder for Things That Just Need To Be Filed. A plain blue folder into which everything that needed filing was crammed, so at least it wasn’t sitting on the buffet in the dining room. I could do that one-armed, so it worked for a bit. Until the Things That Just Need To Be Filed folder started rivaling the ARBB in sheer bulk. Sigh. Time to do something about it.