
So, as you know, I like to visit different photographers’ web sites and have a look around. Sometimes I hit some real bombs, and some are rather good. Then there are those that make you suck in your breath really quick and go, “Ooooooo.”

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Posting schmosting

In our on-line class, we have a discussion forum. This is where we can post comments and questions, and interact with our classmates. It’s our “classroom” so to speak. Because we have group projects this term, our instructor created separate, private discussion boards for each group. We can post to each other and none of the other groups can see it, which would be awesome except at this point my group really has nothing worthy to steal.

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The term “group” is relative

I figured out pretty early in my high school career that I don’t care for group projects. “Group project” is a different way of saying, “Hey, slackers! You get a free pass for this assignment, because the anal-retentive control freak in your group will do all the work, thereby ensuring you have an easy A! So sit back, relax, and say, ‘Duuuuude, you need me to do anything?!’” Since I’m the anal-retentive control freak who does all the work, group projects aren’t exactly my cup o’ tea.

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Just a thought

Have you ever had one of those days where you don’t figure out until 4 o’clock in the afternoon that you’ve been wearing your underwear inside-out the whole day?

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She don’t need no stinkin’ nap

Zozer has decided that nap time, at home at least, is not a time for napping, but instead a time of exploration and song. The last few weekends she’s been more apt to engage in activity than slumber. Here’s a summary of her nap-time exploits.

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Writer’s block

I think that there is only a finite amount of work a human being can do in one day. After that point has been reached, the brain shuts off. “Nope. Uh uh. Not gonna do it.”

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My third visit to the ortho in six days confirms that something is indeed wrong, as I suspected. It’s kinda cool, actually, in a grisly sort of way. Apparently I’m rejecting an internal suture. Cool, huh? Except that now a little bit of infection is starting, so we’re nipping that in the bud. I got to visit Walgreens this morning and walked out with a mini-pharmacy in my shopping bag: antibiotic pills, antibiotic cream, hydrogen peroxide and a heat pack.

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Back on wrist rest

Doc prescribes rest for wrist – part of incision not healing properly. Just took me 40 seconds to spell “properly” properly using only my left hand to type. Grrrrrrr.

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