Catching Up

I filled almost three memory cards right before my surgery, thinking I’d get to muck around with the images while I recovered. Turns out I felt like doing pretty much absolutely nothing, so the images didn’t even get dumped to the Mac until today.

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I’m off this morning to the surgery center, to have my little friend who has taken up lodging on my wrist permanently removed. After surgery at 10:30 a.m., the wrist cyst will be no more! Of course, my right arm will essentially be like a club hanging off my body for a few days, but the little bastard that’s been causing pain, numbness and loss of grip for months now will be gone.

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Animal Kingdom

I have a little green glass octopus that sits on my vanity, that my mom gave me years ago. This weekend, Zoe saw it for the first time.

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Zoe’s Great Day!

Just received an e-mail from one of Zoe’s teachers (isn’t technology wonderful?!), the title of which is “Zoe’s Great Day!” Here’s the message:

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