Zoe’s Great Day!

Just received an e-mail from one of Zoe’s teachers (isn’t technology wonderful?!), the title of which is “Zoe’s Great Day!” Here’s the message:

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First Day Recap

Zoe’s first day at school went pretty much as I had feared, but not for the reason I expected. I thought she would dissolve when we left, which didn’t happen at all.

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The possible demise of the Zoemobile

Lots going on, as usual. I’m beginning to think that I must’ve been a huge slothy bum for the last 30+ years, given how busy I am now. Oddly enough, I’m loving it, really. Too busy to feel bad or get sick or feel sorry for myself about anything, I guess. And if you never feel bad or get sick or feel sorry for yourself, then life is pretty damn good.

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