For M

I snapped these pix of Zozo during M’s last business trip, and he gets such a kick out of them that he’s been requesting I post them to the blog ever since. The quality is horrible, because I used my BlackBerry to snap them, so I could instant message them to M on his BlackBerry, but you get the idea.

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Fresh flowers (thanks Judy!)

One of the greatest things in the world is when you have a really crappy afternoon at work (that’s not the greatest thing…bear with me here) and then someone brings you beautiful flowers cut fresh from her garden.

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(in)fertility garden

Back when we were struggling to get pregnant, I turned to a support group for, well, support. (Duh.) It was the safest place in the world for me to be at that time, among women who knew what I was feeling and who didn’t judge or preach or say things like, “Just relax!” or “When are you going to have a baby?” Our therapist, Maria, is to this day a dear friend, and I was lucky enough to have her for my pre-natal yoga instructor once we did conceive.

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My Door

I’ve been mostly home-bound this weekend, working on a big project, which has been great but not exactly conducive to finding new things to shoot.

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Mi familia

Didn’t shoot a single frame today, but busy with other photographic endeavors to which you shall be privy sometime in the very near future.

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I’m very tired, and today’s shooting consisted solely of capturing special moments at my cousin’s bridal shower. I am so tired that I don’t particularly feel like putting on my editing hat and going through them to determine which one I’d like to post here, and then doing all the processing work to get it suitable for viewage.

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Where I work

So. I was thinking that I’ve been spending a lot of time lately in my digital darkroom, or DDR as my BIL christened it several years ago, and you all have no idea what that looks like. It’s not really a room so much as a cabinet, or armoire if you want to be hoity toity, stuffed in the corner of our family room.

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Took Zozer to the church picnic tonight, or “Carnival!” as she calls it. She was very excited to go, and M was excited because he was absolutely sure she was finally big enough to go on some kiddy rides. He’s eager to start training his next Roller Coaster Partner, since this one has grown wise as she ages and has determined that amusement park and carnival rides are brightly colored whirling death traps of evil and All That Is Bad and Disgusting.

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