Cop a squat

You know, the funny thing is, I don’t have to pose her. Well, hardly ever. I just follow her around with the camera and she just does things that are imminently photographable. This, of course, makes my job as Mommy/Photographer/Documentarian a helluva lot easier.

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My Mother’s Day Gift

Clearly the best shot of the weekend. Adorable girl…a tall Daddy to hold her up high…little bit o’ wind…magic. Making this image was my Mother’s Day gift to myself.

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Friday Funday

Took most of today off to hang with my girl Zozer, and we had a blast. Went to Sam’s and Shop ‘n Save, and my little helper was just perfect. She was such a good girl she got her free cookie at Sam’s, which, of course, pleases her to no end. Much of the excursion was uneventful, except for running between rain drops, and the one time at SnS when she decided to stow her hat on a shelf in the baking aisle and I didn’t figure out it was gone until two aisles later. We went back and found it, though, right there next to the brown sugar, where she carefully placed it in an empty spot on the shelf while I was busy looking for pancake mix for her father on the other side of the aisle.

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Waiting Area

Found these odd (60s? 70s?) yellow chairs outside a used car/automotive repair shop on Manchester. My guess is not a lot of people actually wait here. Just a hunch.

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Guest Artist in Residence

It was rainy all day Wednesday, which isn’t good shootin’ weather. Especially since I don’t have a foul-weather rig for my gear. Pretty sure M wouldn’t see “shooting in the rain which caused massive leakage in the D100 leading to shorts and general malfunction” as a good enough reason to get a new camera.

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