Hippity Hoppity

In between being bad yesterday, we went to visit the Easter Bunny. During which time we were very, very good. Perhaps she thought that if she were within eyesight of the Easter Bunny, the Easter Bunny would not know of her previous or future transgressions and would still bring her Easter eggs.

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Today was a big day. We went to see the Easter Bunny, which is always an event, but we also tried a new form of discipline.

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What is the antonym of regret? Relief? Gratitude? I don’t know. But I do know that whatever is the opposite of regret (anti-regret? regretless?) is what I’m feeling today.

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Change I can admire

My very favorite magazine in the whole wide world, LensWork, just did something unthinkable for a magazine. And cemented itself as my very favorite magazine in the whole wide world for all time.

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3-2-1 Liftoff!

I’m still on the No-Britney-News wagon, which is good, and easy because there is so much real news to read: NY Gov. Spitzer is a complete idiot, all our drinking water is tainted with pharmaceuticals, another outbreak of violence in Iraq…on second thought, maybe I will go back to Britney. The world seems a lot safer when you’re just reading about one person’s personal spiral into hell.

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