Thanks for not lying

Awhile back, one of my younger (read: trendier) friends started using the phrase, “I’m not gonna lie to ya…” He’d pepper it throughout his speech, and sometimes kick off a whole paragraph with it. It was funny the first time he used it. Then it became mildly annoying.

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This one’s juuuuust right

A friend recently pulled a Nikon DSLR ad out of her purse, handed it to me and said, “I’m considering getting this…what do you think?” I gave her my spiel about buying a camera, which is pretty simple: you can’t go wrong with Nikon or Canon; you just have to get to a camera store and hold them. Really, the camera has to feel good in your hands. It can’t be too small or too big, and you have to make sure that when you use it your nose doesn’t bump into a command dial. (That can be a real issue for those of us who are left-eye dominant, since most cameras are designed for right eyers.) Basically, I firmly recommend the Goldilocks method of purchasing a camera, once you narrow it down to a few well-known, trusted brands.

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I’d rather be shooting

Weekend consisted mainly of M putting up (even more of) our Christmas lights and me trying to stay out of the way. It seems that whenever I wander out there he claims that productivity drops. This results in a much scowling and furrowing of brows, so I did what any self-respecting wife would do in that situation: I went shopping.

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Beware of mug!

So one of my ad reps took me to lunch today to discuss my holiday advertising package, and as a treat she brought me some goodies, emblazoned, of course, with her publication’s logo. Great, another baseball cap I don’t need (already given away to a colleague). Great, a cheapo Bic pen with the logo (already stashed in same colleague’s desk for her to find later). And a travel mug. Oooo, now that’s pretty good. “I’ll keep the travel mug,” I thought.

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Yesterday afternoon I ran over to Ann Taylor Loft to look at a dress. I saw this dress in an ad in Real Simple (love love love that magazine) and even though I could only see part of it, I had one of those instant epiphanies. “That’s it! That’s the dress!”

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