November 14, 2007
Peeve of the Day
You know, besides adults who prey on children (see post below).
November 14, 2007
You know, besides adults who prey on children (see post below).
November 14, 2007
Oh. My. God. I just read this and I am so completely appalled and shocked at the behavior of an “adult” in this situation. My heart goes out to that little girl’s family; may they find peace and comfort. As for the other family…I can only hope that they’ll get theirs in the end.
November 14, 2007
November 13, 2007
November 13, 2007
Weekend was good, if busy. But a good kind of busy, not the crappy kind of busy that makes you wonder where the hell your weekend went and if you really had one at all.
November 9, 2007
My friend Stef is, to put it nicely, athletically inclined. If she were a guy, I’d say she’s a stud. But she’s a girl, and I don’t know what the female equivalent of “stud” is. I refuse to sink to using “studette.”
November 8, 2007
M comes home today! Yay! He had a great trip to Rhode Island but misses his Bug and is looking forward to returning. He went through new employee orientation and the final part of the two-day session was to break up into teams and use a pile of disparate items to build a tower. They were given three sheets of flip chart paper, masking tape, paper clips, Jenga blocks and a small APC stress ball, and their task was to build the tallest free-standing tower possible using these materials and ensuring that the ball was at the top, and that the ball rested on wood.
November 6, 2007
The Naked Baby Run. A nightly ritual.
She’s very pleased because she’s just deposited all dirty laundry down the laundry chute.They look much better on our tiny BlackBerry screens, but I thought I’d throw them up here anyway since I always receive requests for more images of Zozo.She’s a little firecracker, that one.
November 6, 2007
Okay, a few last things, then I really am going to bed.
November 6, 2007
Once, when I was in high school, I woke up at 3:30 a.m. and thought it was time to go to school. I got up, showered, dressed, did my hair and make-up, and only then realized that it was nowhere near time to go to school.