Easy as A-B-C

Zozo got lots of great things for Halloween, which is remarkable given that I never thought Halloween was a gift-giving holiday. Apparently, however, there is a special code Grandparents live by that is different from the rest of us. Giving your grandchild gifts for holidays like Halloween falls under the Spoilage Clause, where it is outlined in great detail that Grandparents are exempt from all normal rules of raising children. Bedtimes are broken, nutritional values for meals are discretionary, and gifts are given for every reason under the sun, and sometimes for no reason at all.

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Our house…in the middle of our street

I read an article written by a woman who doesn’t live with her husband. She was making a case for “living together separately.” There are many practical reasons they have this arrangement (they live in Manhattan, where the rents are huge and the living spaces aren’t), he likes uptown and she likes downtown, he’s a neatnik and she’s a slob, etc. She also had some emotional reasons (they fight, like all couples, and when they do, one can just leave and go home, which is somewhere other than where the fight occurred), every couple needs space, blah blah blah. And, before you think, well, that sounds reasonable, keep this in mind while you ponder the idea: they have twin six-year-old boys.

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She’s just so damn adorable that I couldn’t wait to post some pix from tonight. I’ll throw up the ones from the pumpkin carving last night first, just to keep us in chronological order.

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Quick change

This morning we did a little number I like to call The Clothes Shuffle, or, How Many Outfits Can We Dress Our Toddler In Today?

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Little blue boxes and missing blue pants

I think one of the great things about having a really, really good husband is being able to be indulged and surprised at the same time. And that I get to laugh. A lot.
So last night my hubby came home (late, after a “team building exercise” that was really just an excuse for him and all his colleagues to leave work early and go play dodgeball on a big trampoline mat) and we were laying in bed talking, which is one of the best parts of my day, and I said, “Sooooo, where is it?”
“Where is what?”
“My present!”
The boy has been saying for days that my present was the BAS sitting in our backyard. Specifically, the larger windows and shutters that he upgraded just for me. Can’t you feel the love?
But he’s also been quite mysterious, and he doesn’t play mysterious well. He can’t lie. He just can’t. And he knows this. When he lies (or tries to lie, that is), he smiles or laughs, and he won’t look me in the eye. I figured this out, oh, like 14 years ago, and he knows it, but he keeps trying and failing miserably.
So when he told me the other night that he had to “stop at the store” on the way home, I knew he was up to something. If he’s got to stop at Sam’s, he says he’s going to Sam’s and he’s getting milk, fruit and cereal and do I need anything. If he’s going to Home Depot, he says he’s going to Home Depot and getting weed killer, lawn bags and fertilizer and do I need anything. If he’s going to “the store” and gives no other details, well, then he’s up to something.
So last night, because I have the patience of a termite, I asked, “Where is it?”
And he indulged me and said I could have my present early. I had to hide in the bathroom while he went and retrieved it from the super-secret hiding place, but I could have it early.
Let’s just say, the boy did good. Goooooood.
First of all, he got me something from Zoe. How adorable is that?! Zoe’s gift is a letter lock charm for my Tiffany bracelet, the letter “Z.” For Zoe, of course. Coincidental that it’s also the initial of our last name? I think not.
He did confess to me later that he hadn’t intended on purchasing the charm; it was an impulse buy.
My husband doesn’t like to frivolously spend money, but he’ll impulse shop in Tiffany & Co. Yep. Pretty sure I picked a good one.
We added the Z to my bracelet right then and there, so I’d get to wear it today. Which I am. And loving it.
Then, he pulled out his gift to me. It was another blue box. Bigger than the first one. Ooooo.

One of the great things about receiving a blue box from Tiffany is that the box itself, with the beautiful white ribbon, is so meaningful. I know that when he pulls out a blue Tiffany bag, with the blue Tiffany box with the white ribbon, that I must be someone very, very special.

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Give a little bit

Two weeks ago my colleague who is trying to have a baby had her first IUI treatment. For those of you fertile people who don’t know, that’s a procedure we strugglers sometimes use when we need a little help getting the boys to the right place. If you want more information, google it. M and I were extremely lucky…we didn’t have to go that far, but we were on the verge of trying.

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m&m and M

As if I don’t need constant reminders that I’m married to an engineer, things happen on an almost daily basis that reinforce it.

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