By Request: Psychology of Human Sexuality

Normally I do not take requests for blog postings, and in fact, discourage it. I write this for me and no one else. Not even M or Zozo. Although I’m sure that Zozo, when she reaches her teenage years, will be sufficiently mortified by her mother’s musings so as to make me declare, “But I did it all for you, honey!”

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Mondays are awesome when you forget your lunch and then, right at lunchtime when you’re resigned to digging a can of something vaguely food-like out of your desk drawer, your boss shows up with awesome home-made chili (as opposed to ho-made, which, no kidding, I saw on a menu recently), complete with wheat crackers. And then, after lunch, you decide to pass on the not one, not two, but three kinds of healthy fruit sitting on your desk (banana, orange and honeycrisp apple, for what it’s worth) and go for the mini-bag of m&m’s (original colors, plain not peanut, for what it’s worth) from the aforementioned boss’s office.

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Weekend Review

So I had a very eventful and jam-packed last few days. Here’s the recap, along, of course, with my running commentary, the usual musings of my quirky brain:

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BAS Day!

The concrete pad has been swept. The checkbook is on the counter. The camera is charged and the cards are formatted.

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Marital blitz

Sometimes when you’re married, you get into completely ridiculous, circular arguments. Such as the one we experienced last night.

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