Crazy Beans

Zoe is turning into quite the chatterbox these days, and there’s virtually nothing she won’t try to say. Which is very fun, and scary at the same time. I really need to watch my language now, as I’ve been known to drop an F-bomb or two and I really don’t want my two-year-old dropping it.

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M’s 12 x 18 cave

My hair is now short (not as short as it was a few years ago, when it was superduper short) and Fiery Citron. I like it, but am still getting used to it. I like it better today since I was able to style it my way, versus Gary’s way. Gary gives great cuts and is second to none when it comes to color, but damn, every time he styles my hair I end up looking like June Cleaver when I get out of his chair.

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New do

I’ve hit that point with my hair again where I’m ready for a change. Anything, really, other than what I have. Which is a shame, since it’s at the point where I receive regular compliments on the color. So, I’m not changing the color. The style, however (and I use “style” loosely), has got to go.

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Happy Columbus Day

My hubby is off work today (who gets time off for Columbus Day?!) and is home with Zozo. I came home from exercising and there they sat on the couch, watching Sesame Street together. Adorable! Especially cool as today was the day that Cookie Monster (he’s the favorite of both M and Zozo) ate the letter Z. Poor Prairie Dawn. She made a plate of cookies to hold Cookie over while she explained all the benefits of the letter Z. But Cookie gobbled all the cookies too quickly, and then gobbled the letter Z.

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Isn’t it funny how we’re the current World Champions, and yet, we’re not even in the playoffs?!

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What a difference a year makes

Yeah, okay, so this should have been posted waaaaay back around August 30, but like I wrote yesterday, I’ve been slacking when it comes to posting on the weekends. Better late than never, I say.

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A visit to the pumpkin patch

I’ve been quite remiss in posting images lately. Don’t know why. Been taking plenty, just haven’t posted. Perhaps because I got out of the habit of posting on the weekends, and that’s when I have time to edit/tweak photographs.

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Oh baby!

One of my former bosses had his baby this morning. Well, he didn’t, obviously, but his wife did. The birth of a baby is always special, but there’s something else there now that I’ve had my own. I look at pictures and it takes me back instantly to the first time I got to hold Zoe. Which is why I generally cry upon hearing the news of a new baby. The e-mail popped up in my in-box this morning and as soon as I read the subject, “Healthy baby boy!” I knew that Jimmy and Christa are in the best possible place in the whole wide world right now, and tears immediately sprang (sprung? springed?) to my eyes.

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