Birfday fun

Steffers got a birthday card yesterday that is so funny, and makes me laugh so much, that I simply can’t resist posting the gist of it here.

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Would you like curls with that?

I’m getting my hair colored and cut tomorrow, both of which are desperately needed, and I’d like to try something new. Those of you who know me well know that I hate having the same hairstyle for more than six months. You also know that I’m typically too lazy (even though I work in a spa with hair stylists) and too cheap (even though I get an employee discount) to keep up on my hairstyles, the result being my hair gets way too long with horrible roots before I finally scream, “Enough! Do whatever you want!”

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How to help

It is probably a good thing we don’t have cable, as we would have been glued to CNN last night to watch the tragedy of the 35W bridge collapse in Minneapolis. As it was, M had to tear himself away from his computer to avoid spending the entire night fixated on it. Our friends and family who are located there are all accounted for, but we will continue to pray for those who aren’t as fortunate.

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HP is in da house!

Finally! I finished Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince last night (well, this morning, really, sometime around 2 a.m.) and so started on the final book (HP and the Deathly Hallows) over breakfast. I’m only 17 pages into it and already I’m hooked. J.K. Rowling is a fantastic writer, and even though I’m barely into Deathly Hallows I can’t wait to see what she comes out with now that Potter’s finished.

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You are who you hang out with

I had a conversation this morning with some women who had read an article in the New York Times about how if you hang out with overweight people, you yourself are more likely to be overweight. According to the research, however, the reverse is not true. You can’t hang out with skinny people and expect to be skinny.

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When in doubt, throw it out!

M went to the ballgame last night with his ma, and so Zozo and I had Girls Night at home. We read lots of books, ate dinner, took a bath, and then Zozo went to bed while Mommy got to work. Cleaned up the kitchen and dining room, put some things away, wrote some notes, arranged for babysitting for Zozo Saturday night so we can catch the ballgame with Marty and Megan…the usual never-ending chore list of a mother. Also got to catch up with Beano on the phone, which was great.

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