June 19, 2007
Busy as a bee
So much is going on that I not only have no time to post, when I do get a few minutes, there is too much to write.
June 19, 2007
So much is going on that I not only have no time to post, when I do get a few minutes, there is too much to write.
June 16, 2007
No post yesterday, as it was one of those days where you’re going so fast that you miss breakfast without realizing it, and stop to snarf down your lunch at 2 p.m. because that’s the only time you can squeeze it in (and you figure you better eat something, seeing as how you missed breakfast and all), and when you finally sit down and relax sometime after 7 you realize, “Damn, I am tired.” It was a really great day, though, so the hustle was well worth it.
June 14, 2007
I am disappointed today, disappointed in myself.
June 13, 2007
I decided that waiting until Saturday morning to start my new project was just silly. Why put off what I can start now? I’ve been putting it off for years, and if I wait until Saturday I’ll just chicken out again and create some excuse to put it off some more.
June 13, 2007
June 12, 2007
I’m stuck in one of those, “You know, I really should…” moments. Where there’s something I’ve been wanting to do for a long time, but just haven’t gotten around to it, and now it’s nagging me. Calling me. Filling my brain and not trickling out like it usually does.
June 11, 2007
I have nothing of any importance to post this morning.
June 8, 2007
Heading out this afternoon to the opening reception of a new exhibit at the Sheldon Art Galleries by Jennifer Silverberg.
June 7, 2007
Two evenings ago, M and I ordered The Declaration and Independence and The Constitution of the United States of America from Amazon. They are lovely hard-bound editions, and I can’t wait to get them and read them. It’s probably something I should have done long ago, but better late than never. Shouldn’t we all be familiar with the documents used to found our great country? Isn’t it imperative that we, as Americans, know why our country was founded, on on what grounds? Shouldn’t we understand what rights and conditions are our just due?
June 6, 2007
Was reading a back issue of Lenswork last night and this morning and found an article entitled, “The Nature of the Problem” by David Bayles and Ted Orland. Smart dudes.