Even when I win, I lose

M and I played Scrabble last night, for the first time in ages. Last time we played, about six or seven years ago, he kicked my butt. I got stomped. I will admit that my journalistic pride was wounded, and my vocabularic ego was knocked down a notch.

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My chaos is different from their chaos

Things have been so chaotic lately that, for the first time in my professional life, I’ve found myself out from behind the computer more often than not. Normally I’m pretty chained to my desk. Not that I’m not usually busy…I am…it’s just been an entirely different kind of busy. Not necessarily a better busy than usual, or a worse busy, just a different busy. And, I would like to clear up, that when I use the word “chaotic” to describe my life, it in no way is even remotely tied to the whole Britney and K-Fed Chaotic mess of a show. Those two have forever ruined the wonderful word that was chaotic. In my mind, anyway.

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Wait for it…

No post yesterday, as it was one of those days where you’re going so fast that you miss breakfast without realizing it, and stop to snarf down your lunch at 2 p.m. because that’s the only time you can squeeze it in (and you figure you better eat something, seeing as how you missed breakfast and all), and when you finally sit down and relax sometime after 7 you realize, “Damn, I am tired.” It was a really great day, though, so the hustle was well worth it.

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Just do it

I decided that waiting until Saturday morning to start my new project was just silly. Why put off what I can start now? I’ve been putting it off for years, and if I wait until Saturday I’ll just chicken out again and create some excuse to put it off some more.

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I’m stuck in one of those, “You know, I really should…” moments. Where there’s something I’ve been wanting to do for a long time, but just haven’t gotten around to it, and now it’s nagging me. Calling me. Filling my brain and not trickling out like it usually does.

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