Signs, signs, everywhere there’s signs

Went to the Cardinals game last night and had a blast. Sat next to a very sneezy M, so I’m not sure how much he enjoyed, but I thought it was a great night. Winning didn’t hurt, that’s for sure, and seeing Dunc smack one out of the park was a highlight. We had a big ol’ drunk guy sitting in front of us who was annoying at first, but then I figured out he was pretty harmless and that my night would be considerably more enjoyable if I laughed at him instead of being annoyed by him. Let’s call him Jim Bob, shall we?
For starters, Jim Bob was wearing a t-shirt that said, “Drunk women: FREE Breathalyzer Test. Blow Here” with an arrow pointing down. Now that’s Klassy. He had David Crosby’s hair from the 70s, you know, that scraggly shit that hangs down the back with the balding top. Didn’t stop him from sporting the Goody comb in his back pocket (I kid you not). Maybe he used it on his overgrown fu manchu beard, who knows. He was a good ol’ boy, that’s for sure, and we bet he was pretty plowed before he ever even walked into the stadium. Jim Bob entertained the crowd by regaling us with the lyrics from “Signs,” the old Tesla classic.

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Blast from the past

This morning, as I was getting ready for work, I received a phone call from a former employer. I won’t reveal the name, but family and close friends will remember it was the video and conference technology place. So, yeah, my boss there (whom I left because he was lacking in the ethics department) didn’t call, which is probably a good thing because I still spit when I say his name, but rather had one of my old colleagues call.

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More from the weekend

It’s so much fun to shoot in natural light again. I love love love the results of my KAF (that would be Kick-Ass Flash), but dang, that thing gets heavy. The D100 ain’t no feather, by itself, but when you slap the KAF on there, sheesh. I think I should be lifting weights to build my upper body strength.

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Why I love David Eckstein

We all know the guy is great. I mean, he’s a fine ballplayer who works his butt off. He runs to first on a walk, for Pete’s sake. He’s got that can-do attitude we Americans love. He gives 110% every day, and he’s just a good guy. He won MVP in the World Series last year, which earned him a new Corvette ZO6, and he gave it to his brother and continued to drive his Camry (or whatever run-of-the-mill car he owns). His family has been through hell and back with organ transplants, and he does lots of awareness campaigns on the issue of organ donation. You can practically see the guy’s halo glinting out there on the field.

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Book Report

Just finished Anderson Cooper’s Dispatches From the Edge, and I have mixed feelings about it. No question, the man has seen horrors and tragedies around the world, including in our own backyard (NOLA). I’m sure that jacks up your head pretty bad. Add to that the fact that his father died unexpectedly when he was very young, and his brother committed suicide a few years later. Mix in a healthy dose of famous mother (Gloria Vanderbilt…yes, the Gloria Vanderbilt) and you’ve got a trust fund baby with an adrenaline addiction.

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How ya like them apples?

Watched Good Will Hunting last night. What a great movie. All the way around. Little bit of romance, the whole overcoming-adversity thing, some Bawston accents (where do you pawk yer caw?) and one of the best lines in all of moviedom: Minnie Driver (Skylar) says to Matt Damon (Will), “Men are shameless. If you’re not thinking with your wiener then you’re acting directly on its behalf.”

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Run the Bases Day

In Zozo’s case, it’s more like Toddle the Basepaths Day. Daddy took her out, and quickly realized that it was better for everyone on the field if Zozo, at her significantly slower pace, stayed out of the way of the faster runners. So she toddled around, staying well within the basepaths like any good ballplayer worth her salt, and finished up with a triumphant toddle across home plate and a celebratory pic with Daddy. She won’t remember this day, but her daddy will forever.

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