Book Report

Just finished Anderson Cooper’s Dispatches From the Edge, and I have mixed feelings about it. No question, the man has seen horrors and tragedies around the world, including in our own backyard (NOLA). I’m sure that jacks up your head pretty bad. Add to that the fact that his father died unexpectedly when he was very young, and his brother committed suicide a few years later. Mix in a healthy dose of famous mother (Gloria Vanderbilt…yes, the Gloria Vanderbilt) and you’ve got a trust fund baby with an adrenaline addiction.

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How ya like them apples?

Watched Good Will Hunting last night. What a great movie. All the way around. Little bit of romance, the whole overcoming-adversity thing, some Bawston accents (where do you pawk yer caw?) and one of the best lines in all of moviedom: Minnie Driver (Skylar) says to Matt Damon (Will), “Men are shameless. If you’re not thinking with your wiener then you’re acting directly on its behalf.”

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Run the Bases Day

In Zozo’s case, it’s more like Toddle the Basepaths Day. Daddy took her out, and quickly realized that it was better for everyone on the field if Zozo, at her significantly slower pace, stayed out of the way of the faster runners. So she toddled around, staying well within the basepaths like any good ballplayer worth her salt, and finished up with a triumphant toddle across home plate and a celebratory pic with Daddy. She won’t remember this day, but her daddy will forever.

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Easter Pix

Yikes. I didn’t realize I was so behind schedule with posting images. Here is the take from Easter. I have more, of course, but these are my favorite. Especially the last one. That’s my girl!

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The Great TP Party

Here are the images from the fateful day when Zoe discovered the wonders of the toilet paper roll. I have some wicked shadows on some these, the result of grabbing the Big Dog Nikon and running back to the bathroom and not bothering to affix the Big Dog Flash. Let that be a lesson to me!

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I laid in bed tonight, not able to sleep at all, tossing and turning and getting more and more frustrated as the minutes ticked by, and then I realized…

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Open season on screech owls

M and I went to the baseball game last night and had a blast. Especially because the Cardinals won, thanks in no small part to Scott Spiezio’s phenomenal pinch hitting. Go Spiez! The weather was gorgeous, we were both in a great mood…good Date Night.

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