Easter Bunny Image (Finally)

Yeah, so I know it’s a couple weeks past Easter, but I finally remembered to bring the CD in to work and dump the image onto my harddrive. The Bunny Photo CDs aren’t Mac-friendly so I have to use a PC (shut up, M).

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As promised…

At long last, I’ve finally gotten access to a photograph of M receiving his award (way back on March 28) for being a kick-butt presenter:Isn’t he cute?! (For those of you not in the know, just visiting from cyberspace, M is the young, attractive chap in the middle. And ladies, he’s taken.)

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Some days I just feel sad.
Because of everything bad in the world
and because of nothing at all in particular
but everything in general.

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Last night, after Zozo’s bath, I lathered her up with lotion and let her run back down the hallway to see her Daddy. Naked. (Zozo, that is, not Daddy.) She was so adorable…little bare toddler body with the pot belly and chubby thighs and scrawny arms. Cute little baby butt. Made me laugh, watching her run around in her birthday suit.

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I’ve been reading about the events that occurred this morning at Virginia Tech, and I’ve decided that Zozo will never, ever be allowed to leave the house. Ever.

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