Casting Call

My sweet, darling nephew broke his ankle Sunday, and got his cast yesterday.

Joe is taking it like a man for the most part. He was excited to get the cast, thanks to the enthusiasm of the medical staff at the doctor’s office. He’s learning to walk with it, and he’s figured out that he can use the cast to spin in circles, kicking off with his good foot and balancing on the cast. When I talked to him last night, through Beanie, he announced that “anyone in my family can sign my cast.” He also announced to Beanie, at bedtime, that he was ready to take the cast off now.I look at the picture above and I just want to scoop him up and hug on him and give him “loves and kisses” as we say to Zozo.I also really want to sign his cast. I’ve never known anyone who has had a traditional cast, so I’ve never gotten to sign one.Joe will have his cast for four weeks. You can imagine how that might seem like an eternity for a five-year-old. So say prayers for Joe, and for his mommy, because it’s gonna be a loooong month for both of them. This morning’s goal was to scratch an itch way down in the cast. Poor baby.

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Hear the Whispers and Roars

I sat in a room with 150 people, mostly women, last night. I had a piece of paper in front of me with a list of names. Amanda. Shannette. Angela. Beth. Ordinary names. Ordinary women. Just like us. They were big and small. They were well-dressed and casual. They had the hair and the make-up, and the natural look. One woman had a masters in psychology. You couldn’t tell, scanning the audience, who was going to get up and speak next. You just had to wait for their names to be called and see who stood up and went to the stage.

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Happy Birthday, Dad!

This past Saturday was my dad’s birthday. He celebrated it in typical Dad fashion, by attending Super Chevy in Memphis, TN. My dad is a car guy to the nth degree. He’s a complete motorhead, and I mean that in the best possible way. He can fix anything on God’s green earth with a few Snap-On tools and some time. I know this because he’s fixed my cars and my houses, and he’s fixed the cars and houses of most everyone in my family. Even if he’s never seen something before in his life, he can take it apart, figure it out, and fix it. My grandma used to tell me stories of Dad taking apart her appliances just to see how they worked.

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Easter Bunny Image (Finally)

Yeah, so I know it’s a couple weeks past Easter, but I finally remembered to bring the CD in to work and dump the image onto my harddrive. The Bunny Photo CDs aren’t Mac-friendly so I have to use a PC (shut up, M).

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As promised…

At long last, I’ve finally gotten access to a photograph of M receiving his award (way back on March 28) for being a kick-butt presenter:Isn’t he cute?! (For those of you not in the know, just visiting from cyberspace, M is the young, attractive chap in the middle. And ladies, he’s taken.)

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Some days I just feel sad.
Because of everything bad in the world
and because of nothing at all in particular
but everything in general.

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Last night, after Zozo’s bath, I lathered her up with lotion and let her run back down the hallway to see her Daddy. Naked. (Zozo, that is, not Daddy.) She was so adorable…little bare toddler body with the pot belly and chubby thighs and scrawny arms. Cute little baby butt. Made me laugh, watching her run around in her birthday suit.

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