The struggle

Late last night I listened to a podcast by writer Neil Gaiman, who is extraordinary, in which he talked about how important it is to write even when you’re not inspired to write.

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Hootie pens a letter

We signed up for a service with Zoe’s camp where we can view photos from the week and send her emails. The counselors print them out every morning and deliver them, so each night M and I compose a message and send it along. (In other words, I barf on the page and M reads it and says, “Yeah! That sounds good!” and then we send it along.)

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I’m gonna try to upload this here video of my kid making a sound that resembles a sea lion, maybe? She started doing this in the shower, and we’d crack up laughing since we could hear her all the way out in the great room. Now, evidently, she does it anywhere. Including the car.

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Taking a breath

Coming up for air after over ten days of go. Party, brunch, party, recital, party, guests, party, party, party, camp. All parties and no break makes Amy a tired girl. And now, after typing it so many times, the word “party” looks pretty silly. It’s weird when that happens. “Is that spelled right?” my brain asks.

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Mental note

One should not accept a dinner invitation on the eve of Girl

Scout camp, especially when one worked all day, ran around like a crazy person, didn't get the laundry finished, and hadn't started packing. Especially when one's daughter has a 9 am game and is due to arrive, with her mother, at camp by 11 am. Especially when said dinner is guaranteed to go every bit as late as 11 pm. No matter how good the food is.

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