At the Park

Today was another great day. Trip to Sam’s and Target, and another walk to the park. We went to the park yesterday afternoon, which I just realized I forgot to mention in the previous post. I’m hurrying here, as M is anxiously awaiting the posting of today’s images, and we have freshly baked cookies cooling on the counter. It’s Sunday, so M is taking full advantage of being able to eat dessert (he gave it up for Lent, silly boy).
Zoe loves the park. LOVES it. Starts squealing when we turn on the path that leads into the park. How lucky are we that we live within walking distance of a really great park?

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Roadtrip to Grammy’s

Saturday, after breakfast, paying bills and putting together the tax stuff for the tax lady, we went and dropped off the tax stuff to the tax lady, and then headed to Grammy, Papa and GG’s as we were in their ‘hood.

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We’re having a potluck lunch today for a colleague who is celebrating a birthday. I haven’t participated in a potluck for many years, since, well, way back in my non-profit days. The first time I was at that particular non-profit, not the second time.

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Be Like Kermit

Seems we’re all going green these days, and I say, “It’s about damn time.” Whodathunk the green movement would propel Al Gore to the forefront of American pop culture?!

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