Ups…and downs

I was so looking forward to my boss's return from out of town today, until he got back and shocked the shit out of me with news I was not expecting. That was not a great way to end the work day.

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I love this drive into work. It’s the first entrance, which is appropriately named Entry 2. It’s gorgeous in all seasons and it’s a brilliant way to start the day.

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Let’s get physical

Annual check-up today, and physical required for a couple summer camps. Everything looks good. Zoe requested that he check her knee reflexes and then exploded in laughter when her legs kicked involuntarily. Her doctor cracked up, too, and probably thought, "I've seen stranger!" She was quite pleased that she didn't have to get any shots. I was quite pleased that there is no co-pay for an annual physical.

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Rainy night

We hung out and watched Star Trek tonight. She loves Spock, just like her mother. Perhaps because the main man in our lives is super smart, highly logical, and has pointy ears. Okay, maybe one of those descriptors is inaccurate.

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Not goodbye. See you later.

Our parish priest retired today. He married us, baptized our daughter, arranged her first reconciliation and gave her first communion. He helped us through the death of M's grandmother. I shall miss him.

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Unpacked physically but still backed up virtually. Having little access to wifi and no cell service for a week really botched me up and threw off my rhythm. I'm home now and attempting to get back into the groove. I nearly forgot to make a photograph today. I hope to get caught up and post some images from the last week over the weekend. Am doling them out on Instagram and Facebook slowly so as not to overwhelm peoples' feeds. It feels rather anticlimactic.

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Arrived: Punta Cana

Holy day yesterday. Started at 3 a.m. and went to midnight, and included three airports, two flights, a woozy child (one ear didn’t pop on the first flight), passports left in the car at the first airport (discovered and recovered amazingly quick thanks to M’s ability to sprint), a crazy taxi-style ride through the Dominican, a gorgeous resort, beautiful room with a beachfront view, buffet dinner full of things I didn’t recognize (I decided to be brave), cocktails, coupla beers, seashell hunting, floating in the ocean, and a Michael Jackson show.

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