
Don’t have much to contribute today, as it’s pretty much a repeat from yesterday: M decorating for Christmas and me cleaning the house and playing with Zozo.

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Can’t you leave NOW?!

When your boss is getting ready to go out of town for a week and your annual customer appreciation event is the day before she leaves, and your boss tends to wig out anyway when she’s going out of town even when there is no customer appreciation event the day before she leaves, things get a little crazy.

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Darvocet: mmm mmm good

Second round of Lipo Dissolve yesterday at 4:30. I think knowing what to expect made it better this time, although I don’t recommend doing it on an empty stomach. Came home feeling like ick, and my wonderful hub force-fed me crackers until I was okay again. Have I told you all how great he is?!

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