
Congratulations to Steffi for the addition of two kitties to her home! Yay! Names are still being decided (the shelter-inflicted names of “Kim” and “Mama Rose” have got to go, we decided). Being that she’s a big baseball fan and a huge Cardinals fan, I threw out Albert Purrjols and Yadier Meowlina, but she didn’t go for it. Not sure why, really, as those are kick-ass cat names and quite creative. After she got done laughing, she simply said, “No.” and then we moved on. Alright then.

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Plan the work, work the plan

Sometimes things just don’t go as planned, no matter how organized you are. In those situations, the only thing you can do is be thankful for what did go right, and for those people who stepped up and helped make the best of the situation.

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Paging Beano

Dilemma: do I attend 1-3 Cardinals play-off games or do I stay at home and spend time with my Doodle? Gut reaction is DoodleTime, because I don’t feel like I get to see her enough as it is, because I went to every single play-off game two years ago (it’s feeling rather “been-there-done-that” at this point), and because I’m just frikkin’ tired. Tired of running here and there, doing this and that, and at the end of the weekend feeling like I didn’t really have a weekend.

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Off-kilter with my schedule today, as I was at our Chesterfield location for a staff meeting bright and early. Of course, to compensate for having to go all the way out there, I treated myself to a mocha from Starbucks. Really, I’ll use just about any excuse to stop at Starbucks. “It’s such a long drive.” “I didn’t have time to eat breakfast.” “The sun is shining.” “Oh look, there’s a Starbucks over there.” I’m a Starbucks junkie, which I’m not ashamed to admit at all, and which I’m sure you all know by now.

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Zozo rocks

The bad thing about having hips that hurt, is that you start to walk funny to compensate, and before you know it, your back is all out of whack and you’re hobbling down the hall at work with your rear sticking out and your knees bowing out and colleagues are laughing at you. Then you come home and just as you’re getting over it, and feeling better, you decide to go to the grocery store. Pretty sure all the folks at Shop ‘n Save think I’m a total freak now, but I don’t mind. Most of them are freaks, too.

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Mmmmm. Cannoli.

I’m doing better today, although last night was yet another sleepless night. This time, though, I managed to drag M into my misery and cause him to get no sleep as well. Misery loves company is a stupid saying, because I’d have much rather him gotten some sleep if I couldn’t.

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Tachi and Max: Bonnie and Clyde

Rather a rough night with my lipo’d hips. I wouldn’t call them “dissolved” yet, as they are quite gigantic and very jiggly. Even more jiggly than they usually are, which is downright scary. I’d call them wobbly bits ala Bridget Jones, but they are much larger than just bits.

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Hypothetical, of course

Would you think it’s fair for a husband who is on a work conference call at night (and we all know that night time is Official Wife Time) to also monopolize the family TV to show a baseball playoff game that involves two teams, neither of which is his actual team? And, to top it off, the volume is turned way down so he can, of course, concentrate on his conference call. The Wife gets glared at when she even thinks about reaching for the remote.

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You lasered what?!

As if the lipo dissolve wasn’t enough punishment for the day, I went ahead and had my first laser hair removal treatment done. Bikini line, of course.

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