
Dinner tonight with Steven from the UK. Britain. England. The lads across the pond. However you want to say it.

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GO CARDS!!!!!! waaaahooooo!

What do you do when the Cardinals are playing Game 4 of the NLDS against the San Diego Padres, and you really want them to win, and so you’ve got WAY too much energy to sit around and just watch? You vacuum the house, mop the floors, do all the laundry (including folding and putting away), change the sheets on the bed, dust the living room and the library, de-fur the couches, clean the litter box, empty the dishwasher, re-load the dishwasher, change burnt-out light bulbs, clean up your bedroom, get the diaper bag ready for the next day…

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Bon Voyage

Grammy and Papa leave early tomorrow morning to go on a cruise. Grammy, GG and I had our “farewell” lunch today. I think they will have a blast…it sounds like the folks they are going with are a fun crowd.

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Had to use some Black Eyed Peas therapy on the way in to work today to get my blood moving. It’s incredibly hard to sleep when your mate sneezes 800 times during the course of the night. Yep, my boy is sick. After getting more and more angry about being woken up over and over again, I realized that yes, I have the power to get sleep for myself. I moved to the guest bedroom and drifted into a peaceful slumber sans sneezing.

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Customer Service (or lack of)

So my missing ad rep from yesterday showed up today at 10 a.m. I didn’t have anything scheduled for that time, so up I went to get her. I mentioned to her, “You know what? I had our meeting scheduled for yesterday…” You know, just to let her know, nicely, that she f’d up. She looked me straight in the eye and said, “No. No. It was for today.” Then she shook her head.

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S.O.S. (Stuck Outside Starbucks)

I caved today and went to Starbucks. Everything went just fine until I found myself trapped in my car, with my mocha thank goodness, in the parking lot. My Starbucks’ lot is very, very cramped, and it’s a drive-thru to boot, so you’ve got parking people (me) trying to jimmy around drive-thru people (them). And you know what happened? Three (THREE) beeyotches saw me trying to get out, and purposely pulled forward so that I couldn’t. They didn’t get any further in line, and if they’d have just let me out they’d be in the same position in less than a minute, but they were cranky (I’m assuming from not having gotten their coffee yet, and from trying not to participate in the demolition derby conditions of the parking lot with no coffee) and refused.

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Aluminum Falcon

Every once in awhile, someone tells you about something that sounds sorta funny, so you go to the Web and check it out, and it turns out it’s actually gut-busting hysterical. So, I shall share it with you.

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Sendin’ out the love

I would like to say thank you to Aunt Shelly, who performed her civic duty the past week and a half or so and served as a juror during a gruesome and horrendous trial. We thought about you the whole time, and prayed, and hoped you were doing okay. There are not many people who have the strength to go through something like that, and I have the deepest admiration and respect for you. Welcome home…we love you.

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