Forgot to tell you

Yesterday I saw more trucksticles. Silver ones this time. Hangin’ loose. Hangin’ low. On a big silver truck. It’s always nice to coordinate your genitalia to your car, don’t you think?

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Season Premiere

You know what really, really blows? To wait, all summer long, for your favorite show to come back on the air, because they left you hanging, waiting and wondering and speculating as to what on earth could possibly happen when finally, finally, the season premiere comes on and by the end…you’re really no further along than at the beginning of summer.

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Hamster Dance

Do you ever keep going and going and going, and even though you’re productive and contributing and everything seems to be running smoothly…you just feel like it’s never enough?

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Beanie’s Blog

So, after an unsuccessful foray into the world of blogging at, Beanie has decided to join her friends on MySpace. Apparently MySpace is quite the deal, as something like a hundred million people are on there, and cousin Marty (the Party) jumped the ship and went there, and now Beanie has her space there. I added a link to her page over there on the right, with my other links.

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