September 8, 2006
The power of photographs
Went to Great-Great-Great Aunt Helen’s funeral last night. Lovely affair, considering there wasn’t any peppy music playing.
September 8, 2006
Went to Great-Great-Great Aunt Helen’s funeral last night. Lovely affair, considering there wasn’t any peppy music playing.
September 7, 2006
Today I’m wearing my favorite pair of black pants.
September 7, 2006
I’m really tired of funerals. Really. I’m tired of learning of the passing of loved ones and friends. I suppose I’m hitting the age where I will be learning of this more and more, and it sure does stink.
September 7, 2006
Yesterday my sister and her fiancee learned that one of their friends, one of their own, had been killed by a roadside bomb while serving in Iraq.
September 6, 2006
Well, nothing new to report from the roadways of St. Louis this morning. Boring drive in to work…nothing sexually explicit or anything. I must admit I’m not too upset about that. I like to have a nice, calm, morning drive in without testicles or requests (no matter how polite) to show my mammary glands.
September 5, 2006
Many apologies for there being no post yesterday. We spent Labor Day laboring…I cleaned the house and did laundry, and M helped clean the house and did some projects. It was a great day, and a good way to start the week. It’s always nice to start a short work week with all the laundry clean, the house swept and mopped, sheets freshly laundered, litter boxes cleaned, trash taken out, and all of us squeaky clean. I’m sure by Saturday there will be tumblefur floating throughout the house again, but I’ll enjoy it while it lasts.
September 4, 2006
Here’s my photographic take from Grandma’s house. Perhaps these images mean something to me only because they are of Grandma’s house and Grandma’s belongings. Perhaps they are beautiful only to me because Grandma was beautiful to me. Perhaps if you didn’t know Grandma, these images will mean nothing to you. Perhaps not.
September 4, 2006
It’s been a very busy couple of days. Friday night we went to the ballgame, where we saw “lights out” Carpenter pitch, me for the first time this season. Holy cow. It was the shortest game I’ve ever been to, which was good except that I’d have loved to have stayed all night and watched Carp. He was on fire. It was a beautiful night, and Date Night to boot, and we had fun.
September 1, 2006
This morning I was thinking about my post yesterday about girly cars, and I started wondering about manly cars. Like, you know, truuuucks and SUVs. But you can’t really put all trucks into the manly car category, because there are those bright yellow beach-lifeguard trucks that aren’t manly at all. And SUVs are the same way, because no matter how you slice it, a Suzuki Sidekick just ain’t a testosterone-charged vehicle. In my humble opinion, no men at all should have been allowed to purchase anything with Geo badging on it (remember those? Geos? I remember the Geo Storm and that’s about it, only because my best friend in high school desperately wanted one, and had even come up with her own kicky personalized license plate for it, which I can no longer recall).
August 31, 2006
Isn’t it funny when men buy girly cars and try to make them manly? By girly car I mean any of the following: